Easter is the season of baptismal living. We take time during the 50 days of Easter to ponder what it means to be the body of Christ, the church. We look at the stories of resurrection and the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to discover their meaning and what they tell us about how we as a community are to live the life of the Risen Lord.
During worship, we will occasionally substitute the Old Testament reading with a reading from Acts. These readings tell the story of the church’s earliest days, and how the faith began to spread. Stories of heroism, controversies, persecutions and miracles all testify to the continued presence of the Risen Christ in the world, through the lives of his disciples, and the actions of the Holy Spirit.
God was at work in and through those first disciples, and they had to learn firsthand what it meant to be Easter people in a Good Friday world. In other words, they were called to transcend the ways of the world and live in the light of the resurrection. Christ has overcome death and has opened everlasting life to not only the disciples, but to us as well, making us Easter people.

Pastor Steve
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