Friday, January 11, 2013

Season of Epiphany

The term epiphany really means manifestation or revelation of God.  God is revealed to us each and every weekend through word and sacrament.  During this season of Epiphany, come and discover how God presence is made known in the words that are spoken.  Come and see how God’s presence is made known as we share a foretaste of the feast to come.  Come this weekend and discover how God’s presence is made known through the waters of Baptism as we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus. 

            This epiphany, we are focused on Christ’s “light on the way.”  This is the same light that guided the wise astrologers to Jesus and Mary.  This light glows over the river Jordan as God beckons, “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”  In the remaining weeks of epiphany, this light will continue to shine as Christ as he begins his earthly ministry.  On the mountain top Jesus will be transfigured into the light on the way as God again shares with all of God’s people, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!”  Even as we move into Lent and the 40 days, this light will not extinguish, but illumine in the shadows of this life. 
            Each weekend God is revealed to us through the words of scripture and God’s holy sacraments.  You are invited to this place of grace to listen, grow, and discover God’s abiding presence. You are invited to join this community of faith where all are welcome to celebrate the beginnings of Christ’s ministry in His baptism.  You are invited to bring a friend to share in the foretaste of the feast to come.

Come and worship at Abiding Presence - A Place of Grace.  All are Welcome!

There is a pew for you!

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