Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Always Reforming

Almost 500 years ago, Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis to a church door with hopes of reforming the church.  History tells us that Luther did not sway the Catholic Church, and a group of clergy formed a new denomination called Lutheran.  Around this same time, Martin Luther wrote both the Large and Small Catechism to instruct and educate this new community of faith.  At the center of these documents are the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, and the Ten Commandments.   We still use the Small Catechism today!

Each week Jr. High youth gather at Confirmation to study and learn more about their faith and baptism.  It is a time for them to confirm their faith and to say yes to the baptismal promises made years before by parents and sponsors.  The Small Catechism is central to their education, but confirmation is not graduation.  We are all still learning and growing in faith.  

During the month of October, as we prepare to celebrate Reformation, you are invited to join the new Sunday school class, “Adults in the Corner” as they look closely at Luther’s Small Catechism.  Come and take a grown up look at what Luther was attempting to accomplish.

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