As those disciples watched Jesus hang on the cross, thoughts
of His ministry must have flashed before their very eyes. One of Jesus’ friends could see that He had
stopped breathing and pleaded with Pilate to bury Jesus. His body was wrapped and laid in a tomb and
fear-stricken church leaders placed a large stone in front of the tomb. The healings He performed, the mouths He fed,
and the lives that He restored were beginning to become memories to those young
Days later, Mary and some other women returned to the tomb
with spices and perfume. They were
wondering how they were going to get inside to anoint the body. To their surprise the stone was rolled away
and an angel spoke to the women, “Do not be afraid…He is not here. He is risen!
Go tell the others quickly!” The
disciples must have forgotten what Jesus said and did because even when Mary
and the other women shared the good news, they doubted its truth.
I invite you to come and worship at Abiding
Presence this Easter season, but more so to take the good news and share it with all those you meet, because
like those women at the tomb, we cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and
He is Risen!
Pastor Steve